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Unique Legal Challenges for Young Drivers in Johns Creek

Unique Legal Challenges for Young Drivers in Johns Creek

Underage drivers caught even with trace amounts of alcohol may face severe penalties. Buckhead police departments employ Zero Tolerance policies against underage driving and vigorously pursue convictions.

An arrest for DUI can have severe repercussions in your life, from college enrollment and employment prospects to possible jail time and fines. Our Johns Creek DUI lawyers can identify weaknesses in the State’s evidence to shield you from facing such severe penalties.

Alternative Sentences for First-Time DUI Offender

An arrest for DUI can be both embarrassing and expensive for anyone, but can be particularly devastating for young people. A conviction could hinder their educational endeavors, job applications or renting an apartment as well as impact their credit history negatively and family finances negatively.

Johns Creek offers numerous alternative sentencing options for first-time DUI offenders, which focus on rehabilitation and education rather than punishment; these may enable them to avoid jail time, fines, or license suspension.

These programs often also include participation in alcohol or drug addiction treatment programs as well as community service or electronic monitoring to allow individuals to continue working or attending school without interruption. A skilled Johns Creek DUI lawyer can assist individuals in understanding eligibility for these alternatives as well as how to apply for them; additionally they may represent individuals during plea negotiations with prosecutors.

Ignition Interlock Device Installation

As adults, we are inundated with ads and news articles warning us about the perils of DUI driving. Yet many still fail to appreciate how serious its repercussions can be. Our legal team has extensive experience handling DUI cases at Fulton County State Court and Johns Creek Municipal Court.

First-time DUI offenders under 21 often are required to install an ignition interlock device (IID). An IID acts like a breathalyzer that requires drivers to blow into it prior to starting their car, at random intervals while driving, and will notify authorities and their service provider if there are attempts at circumvention of its device.

Our attorneys know how to find holes in the State’s evidence in order to help clients avoid conviction of DUI charges. Furthermore, they can assist with alternative sentencing options like pre-trial diversion programs and community service for mitigating its adverse impacts.

Pre-Trial Diversion Programs

DUI offenses are among the most serious charges an individual can be accused of and can have far reaching repercussions, from employment opportunities to family life. First time offenders, however, may have options available beyond traditional court processes; one such alternative might include participation in a pre-trial diversion program.

Programs such as this typically require participants to attend alcohol education classes and substance abuse treatment services before successfully completing them, with successful completion resulting in the dismissal of a DUI charge which won’t appear on their criminal record.

An experienced Johns Creek DUI attorney can make a dramatic difference in the outcome of a driving under the influence case. For instance, if a police officer failed to calibrate field sobriety tests correctly or failed to follow proper protocol when taking blood, urine, or breath samples, an effective lawyer can demonstrate these errors and convince prosecutors not to press charges against their client.

Community Service

Under Georgia law, first-time DUI offenses for underage offenders are considered misdemeanors and conviction may result in fines, community service hours or jail time, depending on the details of your case. A skilled Johns Creek DUI lawyer will be able to assess evidence and find potential defense strategies in order to minimize its effect on your life.

Not only will your Johns Creek DUI criminal case involve an administrative license suspension action, but an administrative license suspension action could also arise from this incident. This civil suit will likely take place separately in a different court from your criminal trial involving driving privileges in Georgia based on whether or not you blow over the state-mandated legal limit or refuse a state administered chemical test of breath, blood or urine samples administered by law enforcement authorities.

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