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Johns Creek GA Tough Underage Drinking and Driving Law

Johns Creek GA Tough Underage Drinking and Driving Law

Underage drivers caught with even trace amounts of alcohol can land themselves in hot water, and Buckhead’s Zero Tolerance Policy for underage drinking and driving sends a clear message: any individual found driving while impaired will face serious penalties.

An underage driver charged with DUI may face additional legal actions through Georgia Department of Driver Services that could lead to license suspension actions and court-mandated suspension proceedings in Johns Creek Municipal Court. Partnering with an experienced attorney to manage both cases effectively can help improve outcomes.

Underage Drinking and Driving

Underage drinking and driving remain a serious problem throughout the United States, including Buckhead and Georgia as a whole. Law enforcement officers take this offense very seriously by enforcing Zero Tolerance policies against anyone under 21 caught driving with any trace of alcohol in their system.

When arrested by Johns Creek police for DUI, in addition to your criminal case pending in municipal court, the Department of Driver Services may seek to suspend your license. You typically only have thirty days from the date of your arrest to request an administrative hearing with DDS in order to protect your driving privileges.

If you are facing an administrative hearing for DUI charges in Johns Creek or Fulton County State Court, it is essential that you contact an experienced Johns Creek DUI attorney. A knowledgeable representative who understands both evidence rules and procedure for DUI cases in these courts could make all the difference in how your case progresses.

Underage Driving Arrests

Every week we come across billboards, news articles and police announcements warning about the risks of DUI driving. But even after repeated exposures of these messages, some drivers still fail to comprehend their meaning.

All states have instituted zero tolerance policies regarding underage drinking and driving, meaning any driver under 21 who operates a vehicle while having any amount of alcohol present in their system will be charged with DUI and arrested immediately.

DUI convictions will negatively affect both your employment prospects and college enrollment applications, but there are ways to fight your DUI case. Our Johns Creek DUI Lawyers understand how to uncover flaws in the State’s evidence against you and show why they shouldn’t convict.

Underage Driving Charges

Underage driving is an ever-evolving issue with potentially severe consequences, making parents an invaluable ally in curbing this issue. They can do so by setting clear rules, monitoring teens’ activities and protecting car keys – these steps may also assist schools, community organizations, law enforcement and lawmakers in informing young people of the dangers associated with drinking and driving underage.

Under Georgia law, anyone under 21 driving while impaired is guilty of DUI – a misdemeanor offense punishable with heavy fines and license suspension, possibly even treatment and community service requirements. First time offenders could also face additional sanctions such as attendance at alcohol abuse treatment facilities as well as community service hours being served as part of their punishment.

Experienced Johns Creek GA DUI lawyers can provide invaluable assistance to young drivers facing DUI charges. Their legal assistance could show that outside forces were at play when their BAC reading dropped unexpectedly or that the breath or blood test was incorrectly administered.

An experienced DUI lawyer can set up an administrative hearing in order to persuade a judge to overturn someone’s suspended license, which can be an intricate legal process requiring expert assistance.

Underage Driving Defense

Everywhere we go, messages about the dangers of driving while impaired are everywhere we turn – yet underage drinking and driving still happens on an alarmingly regular basis.

New York’s Zero Tolerance Law establishes serious consequences for drivers under 21 caught operating motor vehicles with any blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level above 0.08%. If convicted, drivers could face criminal charges such as DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) or DWAI (Driving While Ability Impaired by Alcohol).

Underage DUI offenders face similar punishment to over-21 offenders, such as jail time, probation and community service requirements and required DUI classes. Your lawyer could provide invaluable help defending you from these allegations.

Your attorney could argue that the breath and blood test results were false positives. For instance, mouthwash or cough syrup can sometimes register as alcohol on breath test machines; furthermore there could have been mechanical error or health conditions which caused you to fail field sobriety tests or blood and breath tests.

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